FT Comm Server 4.0

Free Connects with FastTrack's FTP servers to do all communication functions
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4.0.12 See all
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FTComm is a communication package that connects with FastTrack's FTP servers to do all communication functions. Choose what you want to do, then click Connect.
- Data Update
During each day we revise and add to the FastTrack databases. After market close you get a long download with new prices and changes. During the day, day we post corrections and add issues to the database. These changes are available after 11:00AM Eastern Time market days via "Data Update."
- Upgrade Versions
This feature checks and installs the programs upgrades and other needed files to ensure that your FastTrack installation is up to date, complete, and working.
- Online Integrity Checking
A FastTrack Exclusive Feature: If your database becomes corrupted for any reason, we will restore it at no charge. Online Integrity Check keeps your FastTrack databases byte-for-byte, bit-for-bit identical to our master database. Your whole database is checked for errors. FTComm makes the appropriate changes to the database.



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